Daily Meditation Breakthrough Program

Tired of being stuck on that one thing in your life?

Focus on a single issue for a month to heal yourself and find an answer.

Month-Long Pre-Recorded Daily Meditation

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Sneak Peek!

Start Your Journey with Day 1

Take the first step toward transforming your life with a free preview of Day 1. This sneak peek offers you a glimpse into the journey of self-healing, breakthroughs, and enlightenment that awaits.


What can I work on during this month?

  • Heal a stuck emotion
  • Release pain
  • Let go of a past event
  • Find an answer to a question
  •  Find insight as to why something isn't manifesting in your life
  • Open yourself to creative insight 
  • Build a consistent meditation practice
  • Deepen into your spirituality 
  • Find a new level of awakening
  • Make a breakthrough

This month-long pre-recorded meditation series builds momentum, confidence, and consistent meditation practice.


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A Personal Note from David

I once showed up to an ashram in India in my early 20's, wide-eyed and super excited to find enlightenment. I remember one of the ladies at the front desk telling me that the guru's brother had been offering near-instant enlightenment. Basically, a week-long training where you get enlightenment real quick!

What a load of camel poo, if you ask me. 

For most of us mere mortals, healing, growth, and enlightenment take time. Sometimes a lot of time. They also require a certain kind of finesse, a balance between putting in enormous effort and knowing when to let go

I'm doing this month-long intensive to give everyone a kick-start in the tuchus and give each of us a chance to focus on healing just ONE THING, or find insight around ONE TOPIC as we progress on our journeys of awakening,

During the 4 weeks, w will be hyper focused, dedicated, and learn to honor our sacred practice of meditation and introspection. 

I hope to see you in there. Let's make some real progress from the inside out, and watch our lives change from the outside in.


P.S. AI did not write this message. I did it at a coffee shop in Boulder hopped up on a third of a cup of a latte on a Wednesday.  

What You'll Learn

Self Healing

Focus on one thing in your life that needs healing. You'll be meditating on it every day.  

Finding Answers

Learn meditation tools to help you find insight and answers around one chosen topic for the month. 

Consistent Meditation

As you show up everyday, you will naturally develop a more rounded, and consistent practice. 


If you've been stuck on something for a while this is a great opportunity to bust through it, heal, and grow. 

Shift Your Consciousness

As you deepen into meditation everyday with David, you'll notice a natural shift in your energy and your consciousness. 

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This Program Includes...

Daily Meditation

Daily 30 minutes each weekday for a short talk/lesson and a guided meditation.

Learn Meditation Tools

Learn meditation tools from David and guest teachers to help you heal, focus, and find answers. 

Month-Long Pre-Recorded Daily Meditation

Learn to find consistency and progress in your meditation practice. 

Make an investment and commitment, and watch it change your life. 

David Gandelman

David Gandelman is a spiritual teacher, author, and guide, whose mission is to awaken souls on their path of growing into being human, and living an enlightened, purpose-driven life.

He is the founder of the Meditation School app, and host of the Meditation School, Energy Matters, and Grounded Sleep podcasts. His meditations have been streamed millions of times. He has taught at Cornell University, NBC Universal, SAP, and numerous other organizations. He is a top-ten teacher on Insight Timer.

David's teaching style is unique. His spiritual studies began as a teenager and led him to get a B.A. in philosophy from Rutgers University.

He then spent several years living in the Himalayas studying Eastern spiritual traditions. And afterwards was the director of a school for intuitive development and mysticism in Hawaii for 7 years.

All combined, if you don't know David yet, you'll find that his learning and experience informs a teaching style that connects energetic experience, ancient wisdom traditions, and humor in order to create a safe atmosphere for those interested in learning to meditate and develop into their potential.


See what people on Insight Timer say about David's meditation courses.

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"I have found that this pandemic has been kind of lonely for me and I don’t mean that in severe way. Like you know, I’m home now with my amazing wife and my amazing two kids and I have my family around me but there's a certain lack of social interaction that is missing from me. And so early in March for the first time ever i ended up just going to the guided tab in Insight Timer just because I kind of just wanted to hear someone else’s voice and i've actually been doing these guided meditations almost consistently since March now and they range from courses. I know you've talked about Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, David Gandelman, Sarah Blondin. They’re just some amazing guided meditation coaches on Insight Timer."

Desi Ivanova

Desi is a Clinical Hypnotherapist who specializes in healing people on a deeper mind and soul level. She focuses on assisting individuals in transforming their mindsets and changing their lives, enabling them to impact more people, create their dream life, and achieve complete fulfillment.

Desi has been instrumental in helping her clients overcome a variety of challenges, including depression, anxiety, stress, pain management, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, addictions, habits, sports performance, irritable bowel syndrome, weight loss, and issues with self-esteem and confidence.

With a profound understanding of what her clients need for significant breakthroughs and results, Desi is dedicated to her mission of supporting individuals and changing lives for the better.

Desi is one of the most gifted and kind souls I’ve ever encountered. Sometimes I wonder if we knew each other in a previous life. From my very first session with Desi, she made me feel SAFE. This has always been hard for me, and she made me feel so comfortable. There was no judgement. There was no shame. She felt like home. She is so brilliant at making you feel at ease and her voice is so calming and warm. She is very intentional with her work and I leave every single session better and more aligned than I was before. I’m very intuitive and connected and Desi taps into that. She guides me to my subconscious and soooo many years of trauma and hardships have poured out. I’ve been working with her for a few months now and I can honestly say I’ve never felt this aligned with myself. Desi is sent from God, and I’m so incredibly honored our paths have crossed.

— Chantal Follins

Desi is truly an earth angel & the sweetest human❣ I was desperate to get help with my Anatomy, Physiology, & Biology memorization. I had tried everything possible. I follow her on IG & I love the look & feel of her page, as well as the uplifting content. Anyway, Desi was accommodating & so warm like a cozy blanket. Her voice was soft & soothing. She takes time to understand what your needs are, background & history. Then she takes you to the sunken place; jk, but she gently programs your mind, with your help to ensure you get what you need to change, correct, & or modify your thoughts, fears, & worries. You are taken to the best part of you; your subconscious where all your power lies.

— Nicole Johnson


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