
David Gandelman

Cody Edner
About David
David Gandelman is a spiritual teacher, author, and guide, whose mission is to awaken souls on their path of growing into being human, and living an enlightened, purpose-driven life.
He is the founder of the Meditation School app, and host of the Meditation School, Energy Matters, and Grounded Sleep podcasts. And his meditations have been streamed millions of times. He has taught at Cornell University, NBC Universal, SAP, and numerous other organizations.
David holds a B.A. in Western philosophy from Rutgers University, which combined with his studies in Eastern spiritual traditions living in the Himalayas, as well as his experience as the director of a school for intuitive development and mysticism in Hawaii, informs a teaching style that connects energetic experience, ancient wisdom traditions, and humor in order to create a safe atmosphere for people interested in learning to meditate and develop into their potential.
About Desi
Desi is a Meditation Teacher and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. She specializes in healing people on a deeper mind and soul level through visual journeys.
Desi co-teaches with David in Meditation School, leads workshops, taught at The Den in Los Angelos for many years and runs a prolific private practice!
She helps individuals to transform their mindsets and change their life so they can impact more people, create their dream life with more ease and feel completely fulfilled.
About Cody
Cody Edner has been teaching meditation and intuitive awareness for over 30 years. He is the co-host of the Energy Matters podcast, Founder of Intuitive Vision, Co-Founder of the EnergyMatters Academy and currently travels teaching advanced intuitive training programs, workshops and seminars. He is also the former director of the Berkeley Psychic Institute of in Rosa and Aesclepion Wellness Center. Cody first awakened to his intuitive gifts when he was 14 years old while watching his aunt receive a psychic reading. He suddenly realized that he was “reading along” with the psychic, having the same awareness and insights as the reader. After that experience, Cody began to study meditation and metaphysics deeply. Even today, he continues to explore, learn and teach about what it means to be psychic. Cody is a meditation teacher, intuitive reader, healer and medium with 30+ years’ experience. He has done tens of thousands of energy readings & healings and taught thousands more to meditate and tap into their intuitive abilities. He currently spends his time between Colorado Springs and Leadville, Colorado.

Ed Fox
About Scott
Scott is a Breathwork Facilitator, retreat leader and the author of Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide Open Heart, and Just Love. A friend once referred to him as a love activist, and that’s a description he happily owns. He writes, speaks, and gives workshops on a lot of subjects — authenticity, trust, fear, compassion, joy, intention, visualization, conditioning, and, of course, love and self-love — always with the intention of reminding you that you are a worthy, whole and loved human being. As is everyone else. He makes a lot of noise for the power of love, and not from naivety. His head isn’t in the clouds. He believes love is our greatest healer, and with it at the root of our words and actions, we stand to create real healing in ourselves and our world.
Breathwork beautifully supports all aspects of healing and can be, when we allow it, a direct path to deeper self-love and acceptance. It's with wild enthusiasm and belief that he offers breathwork facilitation in his current work.
About Ceri
Ceri has been a devoted practitioner in mindfulness for over a decade. Passionate about helping people fully inhabit their truest selves, she completed her 400 hour Teacher Training at The Den Meditation in Los Angeles in early 2018, and the Compassion Teacher Training. Ceri is a certified Mindfulness and Compassion instructor, a certified Reiki practitioner, a certified Therapeutic Imagery facilitator, and a Guided Imagery Specialist for children. Ceri is committed to helping students cultivate present moment awareness in order to live life more fully, and to fully embrace their inner worth. Ceri teaches regularly at The Den Meditation, The Mindry in Malibu, corporate meditations and private coaching sessions.
About Ed
Ed Fox is a meditation and spiritual teacher and stress release coach. He is the founder of The Stress Release 3X program, a coaching program that can help you create a mastery over releasing stress while becoming your best and empowered self. With over 30 years of teaching experience Ed's style embraces heart to heart coaching with ancient wisdom and emotional-based release experience to facilitate the healing of deep rooted stress and emotional wounds.

Lou Redmond

Jamie Wozny
About Hilary
Hilary Jackendoff is a New Jersey born, ashram-trained Yoga Nidra & meditation teacher. She began studying Tantric Yoga in 2008 and spent two years formally training while living at an ashram in Australia. Hilary is a senior teacher at The DEN Meditation in Los Angeles, where she co-created the studio's Meditation Teacher Training. She offers Yoga Nidra Teacher Trainings, meditation teacher mentorship, and private sessions. Private sessions may include self-inquiry, intention-setting, breathwork, meditative practices, and intuitive coaching. Hilary has been featured as a sleep meditation expert on Good Morning America. Hilary's teaching philosophy aims to demystify ancient wisdom, helping students realize that the spiritual doesn't have to be so serious.
About Lou
Lou is an author, meditation teacher, life coach, and inspirational speaker. His honest and relatable approach offers hope and guidance to those on the path of meditation and self-development. His meditations have been listened to over 850,000 times and his online courses have guided thousands to more meaning, fulfillment, and impact. Lou is also the founder of One Mindful Education, an organization that brings meditation, yoga, and mindfulness into schools across the world.
About Jamie
Jamie Wozny is a Certified Meditation Teacher, Transformational Life Coach, Reiki Master, and Healer.
Since she resides in Los Angeles, she works with a wide variety of celebrity clients as well as servicing large private corporate clients like NBC, Hulu and Sony Playstation. Jamie is an exclusive teacher with packed classes and wait lists for her courses at the Den Meditation, named the most popular meditation center in Los Angeles. She is a graduate of Dr. Amy Johnson’s Coaching Program who is one of the most respected and successful in her field. She has also studied Michael Neill’s Programs for years. Michael, a Hay House Author, is one of the leading transformative coaches of his kind.
Jamie has held transformational retreats world wide as well as been a guest on the trendy Elissa Goodman Show. She is blessed to be invited to speak on a variety of health and wellness podcasts including the loved “Awakenings in Real Life” Podcast on I tunes. She was honored to be interviewed for her expertise by the popular Musician and Actress Ashely Tisdale on her channel as an expert on meditation, energy healing and well being.
Jamie has been healing from anxiety and chronic illness over the last 8 years as she’s been studying a wide variety of healing modalities during that time so she was her own greatest canvas for practice. As to be expected, she has learned a great deal about deep physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic healing by connecting to her true nature to completely transform her life from the inside out. This has created a powerful shift in her own existence as well as with others on the planet simply by reuniting with her deepest, formless, truest Self. Her passion is to help other fascinated spiritual seekers looking for deep healing learn to do the same, giving them the guidance she wished she had on her journey.
She has been blessed to be teaching and healing others for the last 8 plus years using the universal understandings she has learned that have helped her overcome her own fear and sickness and regain a deeper connection to her formless self in turn finding connection, peace and expansion on an Earth that is so desperately seeking souls to find their light.
Business Mentors

Matthew Beck

Jamie Moran

Kyle Pivarnik

Bindi Belanger
About Matthew
Matt is a Business Strategist, Launch Strategist and Intuitive Coach who's worked with over 400 world-leading healers to design, launch and scale their programs and trainings.
As an expert in helping you create and birth businesses and programs that align with your essence — he's worked with leaders like Wim Hof, Steven Kotler, Sounds True, The HeartMath Institute, Sharon Salzberg, Guru Jagat, Robert Wright, Damien Echols, Mirabai Starr, Valerie Kaur and countless others.
After working as an Acquiring Producer at Sounds True Matt started Elevate Courses in the fall of 2019 to help healers grow, scale and shift the value-system in our culture and economy by embodying their power and unique gifts. He has helped design and launch almost every training and program type imaginable in the spiritual and psychology spaces. Matt has played a key role in dozens of multi-6 and 7 figure launches. He is also an intuitive healer and has taught energy-based meditation and healing practices since 2009. Before stepping into the spiritual media space full-time, Matt worked in Ivy League research studying the neuroscience of mystical experiences and healing trauma across traditions.
About Jamie
About Kyle
Kyle Pivarnik is a digital marketing executive with over a decade of experience in the health & wellness and mindfulness & meditation space. He currently serves as the Director of Ecomm for Sounds True and has worked alongside major brands in the industry, honing a pragmatic approach to marketing that is heart-centered, data driven, and repeatable. He focuses on a simple objective, connecting people, which he accomplishes by delivering great content through optimized sales and marketing channels. In 2022, he successfully marketed a New York Times Best Selling book, and he oversees multiple-million dollars annually in paid media and ad spend.
About Bindi
Bindi Belanger is an executive with 20+ years working at Fortune 500 companies including Experian, Ticketmaster/Live Nation, UnitedHealth Group, and The Walt Disney Company. Her expertise is project management, process improvement, and team optimization, and helps organizations achieve their most important goals in efficient and mindful ways.
Bindi is also a certified meditation teacher, Reiki healer, and EFT Practitioner. She is passionate about helping spiritual and wellness entrepreneurs run their businesses more effectively so that they can reach more people and impact more lives.
The Teachers & Mentors

David Gandelman
About David
David Gandelman is a spiritual teacher, author, and guide, whose mission is to awaken souls on their path of growing into being human, and living an enlightened, purpose-driven life.
He is the founder of the Meditation School app, and host of the Meditation School, Energy Matters, and Grounded Sleep podcasts. And his meditations have been streamed millions of times. He has taught at Cornell University, NBC Universal, SAP, and numerous other organizations.
David holds a B.A. in Western philosophy from Rutgers University, which combined with his studies in Eastern spiritual traditions living in the Himalayas, as well as his experience as the director of a school for intuitive development and mysticism in Hawaii, informs a teaching style that connects energetic experience, ancient wisdom traditions, and humor in order to create a safe atmosphere for people interested in learning to meditate and develop into their potential.
About Desi
Desi is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. She specializes in healing people on a deeper mind and soul level.
She helps individuals to transform their mindsets and change their life so they can impact more people, create their dream life and feel completely fulfilled.

Cody Edner
About Cody
Cody Edner has been teaching meditation and intuitive awareness for over 30 years. He is the co-host of the Energy Matters podcast, and currently travels and teaches advanced intuitive training programs, workshops and seminars. He is also the former director of the Berkeley Psychic Institute of Santa Rosa and Aesclepion Wellness Center.Cody first awakened to his intuitive gifts when he was 14 years old while watching his aunt receive a psychic reading. He suddenly realized that he was “reading along” with the psychic, having the same awareness and insights as the reader. After that experience, Cody began to study meditation and metaphysics deeply. Even today, he continues to explore, learn and teach about what it means to be psychic.Cody is an intuitive reader, healer and medium with 30+ years’ experience. He has done tens of thousands of energy readings & healings and taught thousands more to meditate and tap into their intuitive abilities. He currently spends his time between Colorado Springs and Leadville, Colorado.
About Scott
Scott is the author of Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide Open Heart, and Just Love. A friend once referred to him as a love activist, and that’s a description he happily owns. He writes, speaks, and gives workshops on a lot of subjects — authenticity, trust, fear, compassion, joy, intention, visualization, conditioning, and, of course, love and self-love — always with the intention of reminding you that you are a worthy, whole and loved human being. As is everyone else. He makes a lot of noise for the power of love, and not from naivety. His head isn’t in the clouds. He believes love is our greatest healer, and with it at the root of our words and actions, we stand to create real healing in ourselves and our world.
Breathwork beautifully supports all aspects of healing and can be, when we allow it, a direct path to deeper self-love and acceptance. It's with wild enthusiasm and belief that he offers breathwork facilitation in his current work.
About Ceri
Ceri has been a devoted practitioner in mindfulness for over a decade. Passionate about helping people fully inhabit their truest selves, she completed her 400 hour Teacher Training at The Den Meditation in Los Angeles in early 2018, and the Compassion Teacher Training. Ceri is a certified Mindfulness and Compassion instructor, a certified Reiki practitioner, a certified Therapeutic Imagery facilitator, and a Guided Imagery Specialist for children. Ceri is committed to helping students cultivate present moment awareness in order to live life more fully, and to fully embrace their inner worth. Ceri teaches regularly at The Den Meditation, The Mindry in Malibu, corporate meditations and private coaching sessions.

Ed Fox
About Ed
Ed Fox is a spiritual teacher, meditation, and stress release coach. He is the founder of The Stress Release 3X program, a coaching program that can help you create a mastery over releasing stress while becoming your best and empowered self. With over 30 years of experience Ed's style embraces heart to heart coaching with ancient wisdom and emotional-based release experience to facilitate the healing of deep rooted stress and emotional wounds.

Lou Redmond
About Lou
Lou is an author, meditation teacher, life coach, and inspirational speaker. His honest and relatable approach offers hope and guidance to those on the path of meditation and self-development. His meditations have been listened to over 850,000 times and his online courses have guided thousands to more meaning, fulfillment, and impact. Lou is also the founder of One Mindful Education, an organization that brings meditation, yoga, and mindfulness into schools across the world.
About Hilary
Hilary Jackendoff is a New Jersey born, ashram-trained Yoga Nidra & meditation teacher. She began studying Tantric Yoga in 2008 and spent two years formally training while living at an ashram in Australia. Hilary is a senior teacher at The DEN Meditation in Los Angeles, where she co-created the studio's Meditation Teacher Training. She offers Yoga Nidra Teacher Trainings, meditation teacher mentorship, and private sessions. Private sessions may include self-inquiry, intention-setting, breathwork, meditative practices, and intuitive coaching. Hilary has been featured as a sleep meditation expert on Good Morning America. Hilary's teaching philosophy aims to demystify ancient wisdom, helping students realize that the spiritual doesn't have to be so serious.

Jamie Wozny
About Jamie
Jamie Wozny is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Reiki Master, Healer and Meditation Guide and Animal Communicator.
Since she resides in Los Angeles, she works with a wide variety of celebrity clients as well as servicing large private corporate clients like NBC, Hulu and Sony Playstation. Jamie is an exclusive teacher with packed classes and wait lists for her courses at the Den Meditation, named the most popular meditation center in Los Angeles. She is a graduate of Dr. Amy Johnson’s Coaching Program who is one of the most respected and successful in her field. She has also studied Michael Neill’s Programs for years. Michael, a Hay House Author, is one of the leading transformative coaches of his kind.
Jamie has held transformational retreats world wide as well as been a guest on the trendy Elissa Goodman Show. She is blessed to be invited to speak on a variety of health and wellness podcasts including the loved “Awakenings in Real Life” Podcast on I tunes. She was honored to be interviewed for her expertise by the popular Musician and Actress Ashely Tisdale on her channel as an expert on meditation, energy healing and well being.
Jamie has been healing from anxiety and chronic illness over the last 8 years as she’s been studying a wide variety of healing modalities during that time so she was her own greatest canvas for practice. As to be expected, she has learned a great deal about deep physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic healing by connecting to her true nature to completely transform her life from the inside out. This has created a powerful shift in her own existence as well as with others on the planet simply by reuniting with her deepest, formless, truest Self. Her passion is to help other fascinated spiritual seekers looking for deep healing learn to do the same, giving them the guidance she wished she had on her journey.
She has been blessed to be teaching and healing others for the last 8 plus years using the universal understandings she has learned that have helped her overcome her own fear and sickness and regain a deeper connection to her formless self in turn finding connection, peace and expansion on an Earth that is so desperately seeking souls to find their light.
Your Business Mentors

Matthew Beck
About Matthew
Matt is a Business Strategist, Launch Strategist and Intuitive Healer who's worked with over 400 world-leading healers to design, launch and scale their programs and trainings.
As an expert in helping people create, envision and birth businesses and programs that align with their essence — he's worked with world leaders like Wim Hof, Steven Kotler, Sharon Salzberg, Sounds True, The HeartMath Institute, Guru Jagat, Robert Wright, Damien Echols, Mirabai Starr, Valerie Kaur and countless others.
After working as an Acquiring Producer at Sounds True for 3.5 years Matt started Elevate Courses in the fall of 2019 to help healers grow, scale and to shift the value-system in our culture and economy by embodying their power and unique gifts. He has since helped design and launch almost every training and program type imaginable in the spiritual and psychology spaces. Matt has played a key role in dozens of multi-6 and 7 figure launches. He is also an intuitive healer and has taught energy-based meditation and healing practices since 2009. Before stepping into the spiritual media space full-time, Matt worked in Ivy League research studying the neuroscience of mystical experiences and healing trauma across traditions.

Jamie Moran
About Jamie

Kyle Pivarnik
About Kyle
Kyle Pivarnik is a digital marketing executive with over a decade of experience in the health & wellness and mindfulness & meditation space. He has worked alongside major brands in the industry, such as Sounds True, honing a pragmatic approach to marketing that is heart-centered, data driven, and repeatable. He focuses on a simple objective, connecting people, which he accomplishes by delivering great content through optimized sales and marketing channels. In 2022, he successfully marketed a New York Times Best Selling book, and he oversees multiple-million dollars annually in paid media and ad spend.

Bindi Belanger
About Bindi
Bindi Belanger is an executive with 20+ years working at Fortune 500 companies including Experian, Ticketmaster/Live Nation, UnitedHealth Group, and The Walt Disney Company. Her expertise is project management, process improvement, and team optimization, and helps organizations achieve their most important goals in efficient and mindful ways.
Bindi is also a certified meditation teacher, Reiki healer, and EFT Practitioner. She is passionate about helping spiritual and wellness entrepreneurs run their businesses more effectively so that they can reach more people and impact more lives.
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